Frequently Asked Questions
When we open?
Thursday, September 1st at 5:00 pm
When must I leave?
The event ends September 5th morning. However if you need to stay the extra night to sober up, you may do so. Must leave the grounds September 6th. Any remaining vehicles will be towed.
How do I transfer my ticket?
Once sold, Email [email protected] with the full names and emails of the buyers.
Where can I sell my ticket?
The best place is the official Facebook group “Wubs In The Woods”.
Where do I camp?
You may camp anywhere listed on the map shown in the festival guide.
Can we bring pets?
No pets unless it’s a service animal requested ahead of time. This is a farm so we must keep our animals safe.
Can bring a trailer/ RV?
Yes you may bring an RV, try to camp tightly together and save space as we are constantly expanding the grounds and still have limited space.